"I am passionate about mixing and matching colours and I love nothing more than to make a stunning entrance. My collection accentuates the feminine, the brave and the sexy within all of us and it's my mission to bring out the colourful goddess in every woman." Hazel Aggrey-Orleans.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Anisa who clothing line is called Lion Cloth and Ashes, as per her bio:
" Born in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania, to diplomats, Anisa was a child of the fine arts. In her early years, armed with crayons and colour pencils her mother's walls became her canvas. ........".My biggest wish is to have my name in an International Fashion text book, so that my grandkids and their friends could see that it is okay to follow a belief and for my country to be proud of me ..."
To me if Anisa continues this way her dreams will come true.
Signing off
Monday, February 22, 2010
If I was ever pregnant again...I need this
This is just such a stylish designed dress.. I would wear this dress with my Military boots and call it a day.
Should you need any information here is the website (ASOS). the Maternity clothing is very affordable and fashionable.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Via Momnoir
This is the All black everything website relating to all moms of color. Just launched one week and a half ago. Love the style of the website.
What I also like is that she is showing there are many different aspects of being a mom but yet, style and health while taking good care of yourself as a mother. One thing which we MOM have a hard thing doing.
All in all she is a wonderfully entertaining writer , insightful and 100% Real.
Maude I am
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I will succeed .
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
So I just wanted to share this with my readers. Just in case you have not seen it, this little video (thanks to my older brother) has been playing in the house again since yesterday evening. As cute as it was the first 5 times after the 20th time I was sick of it. The baby decided that since she was sick she will bug me until I put it on for her and she was the happy camper for about 20 minute.

Here it is:
To check out the video:click this link
Monday, February 15, 2010
Will be Back In a couple of days....
since the babies are sick I will have to be supper mom and save them from the danger that is within...
Friday, February 12, 2010
[Things I Love]
Via Moptop Maven
Nikole Crowe is blogging about life,fashion art... but one reason why I appreciate her blog is the fact that she is true to herself... doesn't try to hard and is free spirited when writing her posts.
Also in my transition from chemical to natural she is one of my educational resources.
Love this site.
This is the begining fof my Honorable mention. there will be some blog I would like and have on my Blog Roll. However, there will come a time where I would visit a blog which just stops me for about hours as I get Knowledge and just become WRAPPED up in what this person(s) have to say.
Afrolicious is one such sight that will leave you inspired. Wether it is the music the art, Fashion. the Beauty in the discovery of oneself, you still want more.
I wish i will have the privilege to pick at this writer mind one day and interview her.(ehhhem Contact me if you ever read this. Wink, wink)
Take a tour of the site yourself and make your own conclusions.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Now this is what I call fashion #2
If I can just wake up and find a package of your 24-Karate Gold Plated ring set on my door step tomorrow, you would make me a very happy women. $355 does sound like a reasonable Price, but i will wait...
This is considered something I will definitely have on.
Now this is what I call fashion #1
the designing behind these "simple" sunglasses have mother earth smiling from ear to ear..."F@%# a plastic".
Shwood Eyeware are the masterminds behind the design.
Now this does not hold the big name like the one below, I prefer them 100% more.
Dolce & Gabanna Sun Glasses S/S 2010
Work is never over when you say it is over.....
So this morning i woke up @ around 3 o'clock to the sound of my eldest daughter coughing, literally hacking out the lining of her esophagus. In to the kitchen we went for some honey and lemon just like my mother taught me. Then back to the bedroom trying to sleep then, the little one wakes from the light and noise (she sleeps very light) darn. I put her back to sleep but now I am fully awake ( hate when that happens).
Down I went looking over at me was the alarm clock, taunting me, teasing me changing its number minute by minute as if it was saying :
'yeah you and I know that you will be asked for breakfast by the little one's in less then 4 hour so hurry'...
To shut it up I just unplugged the B#&$@......
I finally got some sleep, once I woke up it was like a machine.
Starting with breakfast then cleaning of the first floor of the house. Yes all of the first floor
then then second floor and finally the dreadful children playroom. We all know how that went, I unlisted the help of the big baby girl who was less then eager to help.
Got down stairs a washed and comb the girls hair..finishing off with dinner. husband went to the office today so...did this all myself.
I was able to write this because I finally sat my behind on a chair and was able to just chill..
Then there was night....3rd day
Friday, February 5, 2010
Deciding to go natural

I was natural for 3 years before becoming pregnant and deciding to relax my hair.( I do know that pregnancy was the worse time to decide to so this) at that time I was working in the Beauty/fashion business, and appearance was everything. Meaning having my head stuck between the toilet more than 3 times a day was my main concern more so than my appearance. I was also not as educated enough about my own hair and thought relaxing it would make it easier.
So after three years I relaxed it, now i am back to my origin roots.
I have been 4 months since I have relaxed my hair, I am also trying to just grow it out without the bug chop. Will I succeed? Stay tune
there was day...2nd day

The recent tragedy in Haiti (my Home country) has got me thinking. There are so many things in my closet that i have yet to wear or am not going to wear anytime soon, so i decided to send all of them to Haiti. I want to teach the girls how to give and not just take. My Daughter and I went through her closet together as i explained to her the reason for us giving she was very proud to give and i saw the smile on her face and that in itself made me so happy.
So now the question is what will you do to help.
Image NY time
There was day....2nd day
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Would you like a $2000 trash bag?

Via NY Mag
This is the Louise Vuitton's Raindrop Besace Bag. Retail $1,960.
Well Louis has done it again. it cease to amaze me how just having a Branded name can allow you to make this trash bag. Again I love fashion and self expressive art... to each their own.
In My Opinion: (IMO) One there are better things I can do with $2000 dollars then go out a purchase a freaking bag of trash with leather straps. fashion is wonderful but when these kind of thing happen I wonder. Really should anyone need a bag like this I own a sewing machine and have made some bags on my own, We can talk about designing a lovely garbage bag with great leather straps for half the cost...I'm Just say
Then there was Night 1st day
Fashionable Riding
For all of my women who mingle on the dangerous side and ride a Motorcycle or even the gentler ride like the Vespa...why not ride in fashionable runway style?
Well ScouterGirls Inc. with their GoGo Gear has the right gear for you. I love their style and they seem very Comfortable....i freaking love them, I am rather on the vespa side more so then the Motorcycle.
And there came to be Day 1st day.
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