Saturday, January 22, 2011


Sorry for the delay. I have been kind of messing with some New designs for the blog please hang in there.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Missing This hair style back in 2010

Lord knows I promised myself to NEVER and I mean Never sit for that long to get my hair done. However as the saying goes, "NEVER say NEVER".

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have made it a point to atleast write, three to four days of the week. Being so busy I just wanted to vent.Begin a stay at home mom, writer, blogger, homeschooling Mom, wife, business owner of two businesses, mender of all that is going wrong with my family has really made me that much stronger. Don;'t get me wrong sometimes I do want to pull my hair OUT. Weighting the good verses the bad, the favorable good side seems to be the one that took first place.
More to come on my crazy life. Also look out for my other blog in partnership with another SAHM. Coming soon will let everyone know when that one will start

Love and Peace


Sunday, January 2, 2011


So 2010 has come and gone, WOW was that fast or what. Many that i have spoken to have told me what their new years resolutions are. Then came the question as to what mine was? Honestly I have made a promise to myself, if i was going to do something I was going to do it that same moment or just don't even bother putting any more thought to it. For me to have a "resolution for something or to do something at the beginning  at the beginning of a new year never made sense. We are never promise tomorrow, so why put off anything to day today for tomorrow?

Don't get me wrong making plans and setting goals are things that I do all the time. setting time limits on these goals and plans are also agreeable. But holding out on them until the  following year makes absolutely no sense to me  what so ever. 

During the 2010 year I have grown and learned alot from experiences shared and happened. Experiences that I wish to repeat and never to reoccur again. But with every New year we each try to grow a  little and make changes to ourselves of our situation which ever seems to make our lives alot better.

I Wish all of my readers a very Happy New Years and many wonderful thing to come.



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